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Showing posts from July, 2010

Have You Ever?

The General Idea This activity allows participants to share something unique or interesting they have done and lets them see if other people have done the same thing.  Materials Needed 3x5 cards Pens or pencils Instructions   Have participants write on a 3x5 index card, “Have you ever . . . “   Have each person think of something unique or interesting that they have done and have them write it on the card (e.g. “Have you ever . . . been on a trip to Bulgaria?” or . . . met [Famous Person]?”). It should be something they think few people have ever had a chance to do. Collect all of the cards and draw them out and read them one at a time. The person who wrote on the card and anyone else who has done what is listed on the card “confesses” by standing up. This gives people an opportunity to connect with each other who have had similar life experiences and allows people who have done some interesting things in life to share them.

Communion Sunday Meal Sharing or Small Groups

The General Idea On weeks that the congregation has a communion service, the people in the congregation should also share meals together in each other’s homes following the worship service as an practical extension of the fellowship symbolized during Communion. Set Up and Instructions A coordinator can be assigned to oversee and organize the congregation with the various people who will host the meals. All people who attend the worship service should have an opportunity to participate. Thus the primary role of the coordinator is to ensure that this happens. The church might also consider using board members, elders, or ministry leaders to be the hosts initially. If the church has small groups, one of the monthly meetings could be held on Communion Sunday with an emphasis on sharing meals that week.