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Showing posts from 2012

A Little Every Day

Commentary on Deuteronomy 30 in W. Gunther Plaut, The Torah: A Modern Commentary on page 1545: "Fools attempt to learn the Torah all at once, and when they fail they give up altogether. The wise study a little every day."  A Midrash commenting on Deuteronomy 30.

Guided Small Group Prayer Using Slides

The General Idea Participants will pray together in small groups in shorter bursts of focused prayer to help them stay focused and not lose interest. When time is up or prayer begins to lag, the leader will have group’s come back together and move them to the next topic. Materials Needed PowerPoint slides or overhead project Set Up Prepare slides with a different prayer focus on each slide and instructions for the group. Instructions You will create 8-10 “prayer slides” to display for 4-6 minute prayer segments. You will divide the congregation into groups of 5-7 people, who will then remain in one location in the sanctuary/room. (This activity also helps those who are in a group together get to know each other better.) Assign a group leader for each group by selecting the person whose was born the farthest away, and then have that person choose someone else to be the leader. The group leader’s job is to make sure the group stays focused and observes time limits. When in...