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Showing posts from December, 2014

Establishing a Daily Bible Reading Plan

The new year brings with it a renewed opportunity to set goals and do things we’ve always wanted to do but have failed to accomplish in the past. For many people, this also means renewed attempts to practice spiritual disciplines such as Bible reading and prayer. I will leave prayer for another discussion,  but I have found a particular way to read the Bible far more helpful than any other. In this post, I’d like to recommend this method: reading the Bible in chronological order. If you’ve sat down and attempted to read a Bible from beginning to end, you can certainly get a lot of it. But you are likely to also be confused and frustrated because it does not always flow in a chronological or historical sequence. The Bible, if read straight through, actually skips around quite a bit historically. The problem is that it doesn’t really tell you it’s skipping around. You just have to know, or read the introductory article if you’re using a study Bible, to get the historical background...