A Quick and Easy Way to Write a Good Church Christmas Musical So it's getting into the fall, maybe even late November, and you know Christmas is coming. Your church has nothing special planned for Advent. What can you do? Why not write a Christmas musical combined with Readers Theater ? I have found this works well and requires minimal rehearsing. Here's how I do it. Pick Five to Eight Songs The first thing I do is search for good Christmas music and select enough songs based on the length of time I have for the musical. I watch You Tube videos of Christmas songs, find out if my favorite artists have made a holiday album, look for movie soundtracks such as The Nativity Story , and check our church's CCLI SongSelect account for Christmas favorites and/or contemporary versions of Christmas songs. After I select the song list, I give them to the worship leader so he can determine if they work for the music team. I have a pretty good ear for music, but don't read mu...
by Chris Rainey. This is a blog of ministry ideas and essays based on my experience as a pastor, church teacher, curriculum writer, and corporate trainer.